Sunday 13 March 2016

Little Update!

Going Home
Tuesday 23rd February I went home! The trains stopped running on the way to the airport, I forgot my phone charger and dropped my sandwich on the floor but other than that, things went smoothly and before long I was back home where I belonged. Since Christmas, Molly had moved into my bedroom so I had been moved into the games’ room. I thought this would be really rubbish and uncomfortable as it’s not technically a bedroom but my dad had made it so lovely in there. He’d made the sofa bed up for me, lit candles, set up a TV and put away all my things for me – perfect homecoming. It was lovely being home again, doing things like taking the dogs for a walk, going to the Carps for a drink and a catch up with everyone and cuddling up on the sofa with everyone.

A big part of my time at home involved getting stabbed. I had to sort out my vaccinations for Madagascar and in one week I got 5 injections – my poor arms were in agony. They cost £150, so that was quite painful too. I’m having to go home again on Thursday to get two final injections and then I’m ready to jet off to Africa NEXT MONTH! I also got my third tattoo over the holidays, a black and white sunflower on my ribs and that flipping hurt. I’d been told to expect rib tattoos to hurt but blimey, I was not prepared! Molly was really good and kept me distracted the whole time. Ashley King at Savannah Studios has done all of our tattoos and I really recommend him!

Friends and Family
My favourite part of going home is of course spending time with people I miss loads when I’m here in Paris. I saw both pairs of grandparents, my aunties Rachel and Becca, my best friend Connie, my old school friends Abby and Chloe and another bestie Abbie. I loved catching up with everyone properly and they all made my time really special. One of my favourite days back in the Valley was spent with Molly, Mum and Dad – we spent the day in Bath, buying Mum her Mother’s Day presents and having lunch at a great little Italian restaurant.  When you’re away from home so long you really appreciate quality family time. I didn’t see Jack and Poppy as much as I’d have liked so I’ll have to make sure I see them properly this weekend!

I spent my last weekend in England, in London with Lukas. It was going to be hard to top the weekend we had here in Paris (because Disney Land beats anything) but I think we just about did. We went out for cocktails, got sushi takeaway, went to the Natural History Museum, had fish and chips, watched The Mousetrap and generally just enjoyed each other’s company as we don’t get to see each other very often at all! There are such random highlights from the trip like discovering this delicious green, potentially pea, dip in a bar where we had some nibbles – we’re going to go back and ask for the recipe when we go back in a couple of weeks.

School and Clémence

This week was my first week back at school and I have nothing new to report except that I only have 5 weeks left or in other words, 15 days! I can’t believe how quickly my year abroad has gone and I’m still not entirely sure how I’ll feel when it’s finished. It was incredible seeing Clémence again after 2 weeks apart; I hadn’t realised how much I’d missed her cute, little face until she came running up to me after her first day at her new school. I am dreading saying goodbye to her and I know that day will come far too quickly.

I hope you all had a lovely week and I’ll be back to weekly uploads now.

Bisous à tous xxx

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