Monday 11 January 2016

New Year, New Me? Probably not!

  1. Get Healthy - no dairy, less gluten and a lot less alcohol
  2. Learn to speak French...(bit awkward that this is necessary)
  3. Sleep better
  4. Travel more 
  5. Be happy
So far these are going quite well...

I celebrated New Year in Strasbourg with Laura, Hannah and Ellie and we had an amazing few days, just what I needed to see 2016 in with style and so different to the year before! We didn’t actually ‘count down’ but at midnight we were in the square with everyone else drinking champagne and giving bises. There are apparently no rules about shooting fireworks into the crowd in France as we had to dodge a fair few rockets and fire crackers. We even saw parents showing children how to set fireworks off out of coke bottles! At 1am we got a free bus across the border to the little German town of Kehl to dance the night away. We stayed until 5 and I only spent 10 euros on club entry. A very successful New Year’s in my opinion.

Hannah, Laura, Me and Ellie ready to Partayyyy!

The first week back at school was always tough as a student. Let me tell you, it is much tougher as a teacher. I had to drag myself out of bed, despite my brand new resolution to always get a good night’s sleep and wake up full of beans ready to tackle my day head on. Everyone in the staff room happily wished me ‘bonne année’ but I could tell they all felt the same, completely gutted that the holidays were over already.

The one thing that got me through my first week back was that I was going on holiday! Thursday evening, I caught the train to Montpellier to meet Hannah for three days of sun filled fun. Our first night, we ate a feast of yummy dairy free treats (sticking to that New Year’s resolution) and chatted as if we’d not seen each other in ages (it had been four days…).  Friday we went shopping! Hannah’s suitcase was stolen over Christmas so we set about replacing all the clothes that she’d lost. I also picked up a few things in the sales like a pair of heeled suede boots for 20€!

Friday night we went to an unusual restaurant called playfood where all of the dishes are served in verrines (little glasses), which was certainly a culinary experience. It was the first meal I’d eaten out during dry January and it was strange drinking juice with a meal. Later on we met my friend Luke and his friends at a bar, had a dance and a couple of virgin cocktails. They also gave us an unintentional tour around the streets of Montpellier in search of a bar that wasn't bursting with people or shut. It was lovely to see someone from home in France, we’d both experienced the same highs and lows and it was reassuring to know it’s not just me!

Saturday we had a nice lie in and then went to the beach. It was beautiful. We sat in a beachfront café with a drink and watched the sun set while planning the rest of our lives. Hannah is so ambitious and driven that I’m always really inspired when I talk to her and I’ve now decided to do a TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) course over summer, which will hopefully help me to travel post graduation.

Speaking of exciting summer plans; I am spending May and June in Madagascar! It’s all happened quite quickly so I’m yet to get my head around it. But, I’m flying from Paris on 30th April to the little island of Nosy Be and will be teaching English (because apparently I can’t get enough of it…).

The rest of our time there went far too quickly and before I knew it I was back here in Paris getting ready for another week of school. It’s taking a while to get back into the swing of things and I think a few early nights are definitely needed. But I’m determined to make the most of my last three months here. I want to experience more of the French culture, meet more French people and eat some more French food (which will admittedly be difficult considering the no meat, no dairy situation, less gluten and less alcohol situation).

I’m sorry if this post is a bit random, I wasn’t sure what to write about and I’m very tired. Next week I will try to write something a bit different. Thank you for reading!!

Bisous à tous xxx

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